
Neue Warnow Design & Technology GmbH

Head office Rostock


Neue Warnow Design & Technology GmbH
Lübecker Str. 32
D - 18057 Rostock

Managing director

Alexander Schulz
Tiemo Meyer
Fon: +49 (0) 381 2528 0
Fax: +49 (0) 381 2528 25

register of companies:

Amtsgericht Rostock HRB 11536


DE 270520831




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Titel, Bildtitel, Autor
PtJ - OWSplus - R&D - "Offshore Wind - Floating Sub-Structures for WTG" - Figure: WDT / Photo: NREL Josh Bauer
PtJ - OWSplus - R&D - "1.6 GW - Floating Sub-Structures for Converter Substations" - Figure &  Design: WDT


PSI SRIV Philly Shipyards, Inc. - "Subsea Rock Installation Vessel" Photo: Philly Shipyard Inc.
CdA CS Chantiers de l’Atlantique - "Cruise Ship - Hull Detailed Design" Photo: Chanitiers de L'Atlantique
PSI NSMV Philly Shipyards, Inc. - "National Security Multi-Mission Vessel" Photo: Philly Shipyard Inc.
CdA CS Chantiers de l’Atlantique - Cruise Ship - Mooring for Floater Figure: Chanitiers de L'Atlantique / FEA-Modell: WDT
MVW G1 MV Werften Wismar GmbH - Cruise Ship "Global 1" Figure: MV Werften
IEM / IL MS IEM & INROS LACKNER - Multi Ship Design for Lake Victoria Figures: WDT
APSI MT50 Aker Philly Shipyards, Inc. - "Product Tanker MT50" Photo: Philly Shipyard Inc.
APSI MT50 Aker Philly Shipyards, Inc. - "Product Tanker MT50 LNG ready" Figure: Philly Shipyard Inc.  / Extended Design by WDT (red colored)
APSI CV3600 Aker Philly Shipyards, Inc. - "CV3600 - Aloha Class" Photo: Philly Shipyard Inc. / Matson
APSI CV3600 Aker Philly Shipyards, Inc. - "CV3600 - Aloha Class - Ro-Con-Design-Options" Photo: Philly Shipyard Inc. / Matson / Extended Design by WDT (green colored)
P&S ACV36 P+S-Werften  "Arctic Container Vessel" Figure: Royal Arctic Line AB / Design by WDT (green colored)
P&S Ferry P+S-Werften  "Scandlines Ferry" Figure: P+S Werften / Design by WDT (green colored)
Rink TMS "Annika" Photo: WIS marine GmbH
NY AT19 Nordic Yards "Artic Tanker" Photo: Nordic Yards
R&M RoPax Nordic Yards / R&M-Shiptech / KAEFER "Stena Line RoPax" Photo: Nordic Yards / Stena Line
Brauns Seetouristik Brauns "MS Alexander" Photo: Brauns Seetouristik / WDT
MAB Pontoon "MAB-1" Photo: WDT / Figure: WDT


SE NEB SIEMENS Energy - "Layout Options for Offshore-Wind-Hydrogene" Figure: Siemens Energy
TenneT SW1 TenneT - "SylWin alpha - Boatlanding ReFit of elastic Jointing" Figure: TenneT / Design: WDT
TenneT BW2 TenneT - "BorWin alpha - Boatlanding ReFit of elastic Jointing" Figure: TenneT / Design: WDT
TenneT HW2 TenneT - "HelWin beta - Extended Cable Infrastrucure - OWP Kaskasi" Photo: TenneT / Design: WDT
TenneT HW1 TenneT - "HelWin alpha - Seafastening for Boat Landing " Ship-Plan: MS Abergile / Design: WDT
TenneT HW1 TenneT - "HelWin alpha - ReDesign of Boat Landing" Figures: WDT
TenneT SW1 TenneT - "SylWin alpha - ReDesign of Boat Landing" Photo: TenneT / Design: WDT
TenneT HW1 TenneT - "HelWin alpha - CAT Modification" Photo: TenneT / Design: WDT
TenneT Layout TenneT - "SMART HVDC Platform Layout" Photo: Philly Shipyard Inc. / Matson
TenneT BW2 TenneT - "BorWin beta - Temporary Living Quarter" Photo: TenneT / Design: WDT
TenneT BW2 TenneT - "BorWin beta - CAT-MOD" Figure: WDT
NY DW3 Nordic Yards - "DolWin gamma - ICCP Cable Storage Box" Figure: Nordic Yards
NY HW1 Nordic Yards - "DolWin gamma - ICCP Cable Storage Box" Photo: Wikimedia Ossi Fan , CC BY-SA 4.0  / Design: WDT
GH AP1 G+H "Accomodation Platform Layout" Figure: WDT
NY DW3 Nordic Yards - "DolWin gamma - Foundation 900 MW" Figure: WDT
NY BW2 Nordic Yards - "BorWin beta - Basic & Detailed Design" Model: Nordic Yards / WDT
NY HW1 Nordic Yards - "HelWin alpha - Basic & Detailed Design" Photo: TenneT / Model: Nordic Yards & WDT
SAG BW2 Siemens - "BorWin beta - Seafastening CAT-House" Photo: TenneT / Figure & Model: WDT
NY SW1 Nordic Yards - "SylWin alpha - Basic & Detailed Design" Photo: TenneT & WDT / Model: Nordic Yards & WDT
BA BOW1 Bard Engineering - "Wind Lift 1 - Loading & Stability" Photo: Bard / Model:  WDT
NK DT1 Nobiskrug Vattenfall - "Dan Tysk 1 - Accomodation Platform" GAP: Nobiskrug / Models:  WDT
NY DW3 Nordic Yards - "DolWin gamma - Basic and Detailed Design" Photo: Nordic Yards
ZUE AT1 ZÜBLIN - "Albatros - TriJack" Figures: WDT
AKY BT1 Aker Yards - "Baltic 1 - PreDesign AC-Substation" Photo: EnBW / Figures: WDT
WPB BT1 Wind Projekt Börgerende - "Baltic 1 - PreDesign MP for WTG 3.6 MW " Photo: EnBW / Figures: WDT
WPB BT1 Wind Projekt Börgerende - "Baltic 1 - PreDesign Jacket for WTG 5 MW " Figures: WDT
EK NG Energiekontor - "Nordergründe - PreDesign GBF and Substation " Figures: WDT
EK ED Energiekontor - "Eggersdorf - Implementation Desing of Gravity Based Foundation " Photo: EnBW / Figures: WDT


PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "Offshore Wind - Floating Sub-Structures for WTG" Figure: WDT / Photo: NREL Josh Bauer
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "1.6 GW - Floating Sub-Structures for Converter Substations" Figure &  Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - Channel Island - US" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - Gulf of Maine - US" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - North North Sea - GER" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - Golfe du Lion - FRA" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - Sagami Wan - JAP" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - Formosa Strait- TAW" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - Biscaya- FRA" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWSplus R&D - "15MW WTG - Floating Sub-Structures - Yellow Sea- KR" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWS-MV R&D - "Deep Sea - Impact noise protection" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWS-MV R&D - "Deep Sea - Top Side - Grand Block Design" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - OWS-MV R&D - "Deep Sea - Top Side - Top Side and Transport & Installation of Monopile" Map: Google /   Design: WDT
PtJ - CTS R&D - "Cryogen Tank Systems - Tanker" Photo: Rivera, Kvaerner, GTT, Ship Technology, Hyundai / Design/Figu
PtJ - CTS R&D - "Cryogen Tank Systems - Container" Design/Figure: WDT
OS UNI H Ostseestaal Uni Hannover - "Einstein Elevator - Free Fall Unit" Design: WDT / Photo: Uni Hannover
MV GIII LWI-MV - "Uni-Hannover - UIT for Welding" Design/Figure: Uni Hannover / WDT
MV GIII LWI-MV - "Basic Devolopment - Monopile and Jacket" Design/Figure: WDT
MTU HM320 MTU - "Hot Module Integration - Fuel Cell for MV Viking Lady" Photo: MTU, Eidesvik / Design: WDT


HAB RFA HAB  - "RFA - Small Set Rocket Launcher - Detailed Design" Figure: WDT / Photo: RFA & Wikimedia Stahkocher , CC BY-SA 3.0
OS CALY Ostseestaal - "Yacht Door Openings - Detailed Design" Figure: Prinzentechnik / Design: WDT
KKR MP Krebs KR - "Support Beam - Monopile Preparation" Figure: EEW SPC / Design: WDT
EEW  MP EEW SPC - "Avoid of plastic impacts - MP Supports" Photo: EEW SPC / Design: WDT
EEW  MP EEW SPC - "Integrity of Long Side Welding - MP Fabrication" Photo: EEW SPC / Design: WDT
EEW  TP EEW SPC - "Transition Piece - Detailded Design - Outfitting" Photo: Orstedt / Design: WDT
EEW  TP EEW SPC - "Transition Piece - Detailded Design - Outfitting" Photo: Orstedt / Design: WDT
EEW  MP EEW SPC - "250to Heavy Load Beam - MP Fabrication" Photo: EEW SPC / Design: WDT
EEW  TP EEW SPC - "Transition Piece - Detailded Design - Outfitting" Photo: Orstedt / Design: WDT
CSC PGF CSC - "Pile Guidance Pile - ReDesign" Photo: Bard / Design: WDT
EIB EBV Eikboom - "Eikboom@Vessel - Container Fastening System" Photo: Eikboom / Design: WDT
EEW  MP EEW SPC - "Integrity of Short Side Welding - MP Fabrication" Photo: EEW SPC / Figure: WDT
IL BASF INROS LACKNER - "Pipe Bride - Oil Port of BASF" Design: WDT
NY DW3 Nordic Yards - "Work Platform - Temporary Use" Figure: WDT
OS WTG Ostseestaal - "Wind Fabrication Design - Detailed Design" Figure: WDT
OS WTG Ostseestaal - "Wind Fabrication Design - Detailed Design" Figure: WDT
OS Flow Ostseestaal - "Energy Saving Devices for Ships - Design & Utilization" Photo & Figure / Drawings: WDT
OS Tidal Ostseestaal - "Fabrication Preparation - Tidal Energy Services" Photo: Orbital Marine Power Drawings: WDT
EEW  TP EEW SPC - "Seafastening - Transition Pieces" Photo:  WDT / Figure: WDT
IL Port INROS LACKNER - "Floating Finger Pier - PanMax-Port of Luanda" Figure: WDT
NT Silo NeoTec - "Coffee Silo - Floor Plate Loads" Figure: NeoTec / Model: WDT
UWR China UWR - "Underwater Hotel - China" Photo: Gewers & Pudewill/dapd/ker/zyx/gfh/sb / Design: WDT
KN - MP,TP Kühne & Nagel - "Seafastening - Transition Piece & Monopile - Pontoon and Ship" Figure and Model: WDT
SAG BW2 Siemens AG - "Towing of Platform - Towing Hooks" Photo: Siemens / Figures, Model: WDT
SAG BW2 Siemens AG - "Seafastening - Components to be installed onsite North Sea" Photo: Siemens / Figures, Model: WDT
NY IB Nordic Yards - "Ice Breaker - Azipod Interface" Photo: Siemens / Figures, Model: WDT
EEW  MP EEW SPC - "Heavy Load Bridge - Pontoon to be passed by Heave Duty Modules" Photo: Siemens / Figures, Model: WDT
CSC PGF CSC - "WTG BARD 5.0 - Grillage for Heavy Duty Moduls" Photo: BARD Group / Figures, Model: WDT
CSC STK CSC - "OWEA Foundation - Grillage for Heavy Duty Moduls" Photo: BARD Group / Figures, Model: WDT